Extensive freelance classical and retro videogame music composer, currently retired from the internet.

Age 41, Male

composing and things

when i was still a little cal


Joined on 8/11/09

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UPDATED 3-2-23

-Recomposed the text for better reading, and adding additional information, correcting some specifications.

I sincerely hope that most people that have read this back when I first typed it in 2021 heeded the advice and now walk around healthily without myocarditis, bells palsy or the rest of the ongoing list of *cough* "side" effects you can look up on the VAERS data. All "vaccines" are MRNA and highly toxic, the more "boosters" you take the more toxic you will become and that is why people "still get" what is misnomered "covid" as in detox symptomology.

That means, you get toxic, your body tries to oust that toxicity' and when you then "treat" that "detoxing" stopping it, that means you stay toxic, and get worse' it expressing itself through what you call illnesses. (such as the aforementioned shut-down of bodily functions.) Is it finally starting to connect with you?

UPDATED 14-2-22


It is NOT a vaccine.

It will kill you if not maim you.

All the people I have worked with, I beg you to heed my warning. Those who have mocked me and refuse to listen, you will curse yourself for making the mistake.. i will not wish upon you.

Believe in an "invisible enemy" all you want, Virusses are not the cause of Illness but the aftermath, oxidation, pollution and even mental stress are the cause of toxification.

When your body ousts the toxicity by either a natural seasonal detox or detox therapy (such as helped by fytotherapeutics) like enemas as example' or the workings of the "immune" system, perhaps strenghtened with intravascular Vitamin C or Hydrochloroquine (delivery agent, not medicine itself) with Z(zinc)pack..

in the aftermath your "cells" (as in gel) excrete what is misdiagnosed to be virusses.

The petri-dish to so calledly isolate a fictional virus, creates through the use of chemicals and rays the cel-death result misdiagnosed as an identifyable pathogen. This shows itself (under a microscope) as the excretion like imagery of a supposed "cel" with appendixes.. (faultily illustrated as a single "lifeform" called virus in the artistic sense)

Taking this soup of poisoned-cel death and injecting it into the brains of a test animal, unsuprisingly causes that test animal to become sick, not because of "a virus" (well, it would be if you take it to the etymological root of the word meaning poison in the first place) but because of the poison-soup that caused the celdeath in the first place in the petri-dish)

In fact the so called excretion happens all the time to a degree declared exosome activity (which is indiscriminate from what are called supposed virusses),

Communication with all sorts of bacteria (the sum of which make up your "immune" system) that should be percieved not as external invaders but internal cleaning crew occurs that when thwarted in their self-regenerative work recompose themselves into more resistant forms. Ivermectine in particular is a treatment against parasites, that can find a nutricious biome in a oxidated (sour) system, which is why it aids to get people (somewhat) better (temporarily). for the remainder.. the ruse is to "cure' the workings of the "immune" system!

Even parasites are in your body with a purpose!. They take habitat in a sour system afterall because bacteria are prevented from creating a healthy biome, therefor the Parasites do you a favor in tending to the sour system before it would become toxic if left alone.

There is no "virus" behind a "pandemic". The very thing the rockefeller industry that grew into the alopathic monopoly has presented as cures, is your poison.

HEED this, for Godsake.

Or suffer the consequences.

And stop wearing 2.5% oxygen level lowering slavemasks that increase your co² levels and cause severe irrepairible organ damage, aside from obstructing the natural learning of infants to recognice and communicate facially.

It is literally criminal, child abuse to put such an object on a child. For the remainder suit yourself if you rather not think logically.

If you still do not understand, take some time to watch this through;



And terrain science vs germ theory for beginners: https://www.bitchute.com/video/T0PTFfWSCd1U/

Or read the following books:

-What really makes you ill.

-The contagion myth.

-The invisible rainbow on electricity and life.

And if this isn't enough, ask yourself why all measures you supposedly 'must' take against a "virus" are not effective against even the proposed and contemporary idea of a "virus"? Instead are causing illness themselves; facemasks=oxygen deprivation 2.5% causing organ damage and pnemonia due to petridish effect. On the box of every facemask it says that it cannot be used against "coronaviusses" and yet you walk around with one?! So called lockdowns are admitted even by the WHO to be inneffective to begin with. Stop aiding your own destruction, and if you haven't taken any jabs yet.. DONT. NO MATTER THE CONSEQUENCE. Instead strive for self-sufficiency in every regard, everytime something is "taken" (which you should'nt have given) become self sufficient in it.

Follow this man on bchute, inform yourself.


update 14-2-22

His latest work: Terrain (documentairy)


update 14-5-22

Calamaistr now also on Bitchute:




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