Update: Album finished (:
Update: if you thought huh doublepost? no, i just cant put old newsposts on my profile fp so this is intentional.
Thing is i've taken up The time crafter - mozaic again so i can finish it, afterall a culywuly album like this cant remain incomplete.
Anyway just finished work on burning the desert and holy magicarp is it good, if i may say so myself as a composer.
UPDATE: Added the full map of Edin, the primary planet of the Time crafter saga.
Also added storyline pinpoint locations. This map has not changed, it has looked exactly like this for more than 10 years.
If you like my work dont forget to comment on my newsposts btw so i know people apreciate it.
1-Intro. (prologue)
2-Building the ship. (Sol-Ragna (sunrock) theme)
3-A calm before the storm. (Kyigei visits Meric and his son Sidel and writes his brother about a personal predicament)
4-End of the Sun. (Osega falls by the hand of Atadema)
5-Rise and fall. (Paa aman takes power, then throws it away being mad from the wish for revenge on Atadema. Whilst Kyigei resides in Caboth with meric's son 'Sidel')
6-The right choice. (Severe fracture of the Kingdom complicates the heading of the ship, Uume decides to take full command of the ship and leave Trine for now, first delivering the Denimus research to Kyigei for safekeeping)
7-Through the spire exchange. (Uume is caught in the time portal with his ship and trades with the God golem Icle)
8-Burning the desert. (Paa aman dies by his reanimated fathers hand in the desert of owls, tragic.. )
9-River of gold. (Kyigei fights and is slain by Atadema in Caboth, failing to protect the recordings about the Denimus, In retrospect on TTC-1; Buhishin was suggested by the Roamer Yuricharai to do so)
10-Rebirth of the flower. (epilogue, The end of caboth, Sidel's rise.)
(Sidel is still alive at the end of TTC-CHG, isnt mentioned at all in TTC-Hybrid nor in TTC-Domus, while there is a (sadly dark) future for him in Hybernaculuüm (the Dimension inbetween the Denimus connections), There is a chance i will compose a final album after this one, if my health and determination allows it.)
Note about the map: surrounding area of the map on the globe are deemed uninhabitable due to steep mountain formations, technically Owls desert is somewhat connected to the nation of eden, emper and Trine are only divided by a thick wood, Kaiks is completely surrounded by volcano's.