Even though i am fully aware of the fact that probably the amount of fans i have is countable on a single set of hands i still wanted to give it a shot and share with you a custom made piano-script on zoom of the relatively popular 'all will be here' track.
Yes that means if you can play the piano' and read a pianoroll with this custom made file you can actually play that track.
So, If you can and do so please record it and let me hear it, preferably on youtube :)
Thanks in advance and if you need me for a project send me a pm and ill think about it :)
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a45/UndeadMagic ian/Allwillbehere-pianotranscript_zps68cff988.pn g
This is what it will sound like:
edit: now longer (transcript still same size tho)
Also now nuclear cathedral pianoized.
(personally still like all will be here better but whatever, they are both pretty popular tracks)
what kind of creature do you know of that has 129 fingers O_O
I guess i do since i can play it xD