if this becomes a series it should:
1- be longer.
2-have penis.
3-be longer.
4-get 10/10 rating.
5-get 5
6-have egoraptor crying really long and loud, like prox. 60min crying then 60min laughing as hard as hearing a cannonballshot right next to your ear. (or maybe a little less hard, but still noticable)
7- get calamaistr reviewing it.
8-be done less soon than metal gear awesome 3 4 5 and 6.
9-that means metal gear awesome get done soon.
10-cause the endtimes for to much awesome that god can handle, aside for that god is a travesty on polytheism, but still.. egoraptors need god cause they got extinct or something.. sometime.. long ago.. im going to play ps3 now.
(p.s. this was a funny movie, but it wasnt very long, sadly.)